Precision castings are used mainly for small items in larger batch sizes, where a 100 % uniform items (replica) is wanted.
ProMetal delivers precision castings with a weight of approx. 50 grams and up to approx. 2.0 kilos. with tolerances down to +/-0.125 mm. per 25 mm. and surface roughness from Ra 1.6.
We supply items such as raw, processed and/or surface treated — all at your request.
We offer precision castings in the following materials and with YOUR & ASTM standards:
- Carbon steel
- Low and medium alloy steel
- High alloy steel (stainless, Duplex) etc.
The current high steel prices make this cast method very topical because of the extremely small-cast tolerances, and thus large material savings and a minimum of machining.
Please contact ProMetal for further information regarding precision castings.